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The Tribe Blog

Planning Ahead for Holiday Spending

As the holidays approach, the excitement of gift-giving, family gatherings and overall festive cheer is often accompanied by the challenge of managing finances. Balancing holiday spending while keeping an eye on your long-term goals can be tricky, but achievable. Here...

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Great News for Mortgage Renewals!

Homeowners who switch lenders when your mortgage term is up for renewal will no longer be subject to stress-test rules – which add a 2% rate surcharge when qualifying your mortgage – as of November 21st, 2024. This change provides added flexibility so your mortgage...

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Positive Interest Rate News!

We’re finally getting some great news on the inflation – and, consequently, the interest rate – front! Canada’s inflation rate continued its downward trajectory in July, with the headline Consumer Price Index (CPI) slowing to 2.5%, according to Statistics Canada. This...

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What’s My Best Option for Consolidating Debt?

Many mortgage borrowers are weighing their options when it comes to debt consolidation to help ease monthly financial obligations, which can empower you to both save money and improve your cashflow in one move.  Accessing home equity is a popular and cost-effective...

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10 Tips for Saving Your Down Payment on a Home

Saving for a down payment on a home can be challenging but, with careful planning and discipline, this important milestone will become much more easily achievable. Following are 10 helpful tips to get you started on your homeownership journey as soon as possible. 1....

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